2 sticks, some string, & an odd Jackal

11 November, 2006

Not knitting but oh well

For those not in the know about Dutch schools...... The kids go home for lunch and a class having 2 teachers isn't unusual.

So yesterday, I go to pick up WeeDutchie for lunch. I'm standing outside the school, shooting the breeze with one of the other mothers and WD's class comes out the door. WD is visibly upset and crying and Juf Brenda is standing right beside him. I go over and he starts telling me about how his arm is hurt and in true kid fashion, gong way too fast. Brenda wants me to go inside and talk about what happened. Between him talking non-stop, and her speaking rapid-fire Dutch even after I ask her to slow down, all I get is that he threw a block at another kid and she wanted him to go back into class to sit in time-out and somehow in all that mess, he hurt his arm.

I can tell him arm is truly hurting, so I take him home, where TallDutchie is at home for the day, so we can get this straight.

After both of us talking with WeeDutchie and TallDutchie calling the school, we get most of the story. Yes, he threw a block at another kid. She took him by the arm to take him into the class and in typical 6 year old fashion, he flopped on the ground. However, she didn't let go of his arm and he proceeded to flop at lease 2 more times. Which then resulted in A DISLOCATED ELBOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We took him to the doctor and ended up in the ER to get it fixed.

Now I'm fully aware that he was being an ass by flopping. And that kids can move quicker than we can most time. If it had happened on the first flop, I would have chalked it up to pure accident. However, the fact that she KEPT holding on to his arm and was holding on hard enough to dislocate the elbow?? Furious doesn't cover it. I've already been on the phone with the Head and we're having a conference about this Wednesday. If I'm not happy with what I hear, I'll put him in another school ASAP.

Last year, he had a different teacher and I know his behaviour was worse...... and this never happened. I frankly don't want her near my kid anymore. So we'll see what happens Wednesday.

07 November, 2006

This isn't the best picture but maybe it will give you an idea of the stole border I'm working on. It took a bit of figuring to get it all worked out. But it's a representation of the NEGa Mountains and the trees and the Chattahoochee River.

Beyond that....... I'm not working on squat. I still need to finish that shrug but it's in stockinette hell and I usually work on it at swim lessons.

05 November, 2006

Open letter to the others in my house.

My dear husband and son,

If I am sitting the love seat with my finger entangled in something the size of a human hair and using little toothpicks...... and you walk up and try to talk to me....... and I start shouting numbers at you..... THEN GO AWAY, I'M COUNTING.

Please tell me why you ALWAYS have earth-shattering news (not) whilst I'm counting? Can it not wait until the end of the damn row? This is a 199 stitch lace pattern in cobweb weight yarn. It's complicated. It's kicking my ass. To add insult to injury, it's my own damn design. But I'm sure it would go better if I could finish a row without being interrupted to help you dry yourself, find your underwear, listen to something funny from a book, answer a question I don't know the answer to, let the cats out, cook, wash your clothes, take you to school..... I don't mind fixing coffee. I can't knit right til I've had my cup anyway. But for the love of all that is holy........ LET ME FINISH THE DAMN ROW BEFORE YOU INTERRUPT.


Better Half AKA Mom